The Olympic gold medal winner Picabo Street was a Kindercup champion! Other famous Sun Valley area skiers to have been past Kindercup champions include: Langely McNeal, Graham Watanabe, Wyatt Caldwell and more!
Next event: Sunday, March 2, 2025​

Holiday Bazaar​
​The Papoose Club annual Holiday Bazaar is typically held on the first full weekend of December at the Hemingway Elementary School in Ketchum.
The Holiday Bazaar is a juried arts show that features wonderful hand-made gifts from more than 70 artists from across the Intermountain West.
Wood River Valley’s top market for buying gifts for friends and family: sweets, ceramics, handblown glass, clothing, jewelry, handbags, birdhouses, dEcorative objects, textiles, and more.
The Papoose Club volunteers offer delicious hot soup in the Soup Café and sell home baked holiday cookies by the dozen.
The Holiday Bazaar Raffle has become famous for its unique a la carte offering of wide array of raffle items and local business services. Santa Claus also comes to the Holiday Bazaar to visit with children on Sunday.
Next event: Saturday, December 6 and Sunday, December 7 2025

Plant Extravaganza
The Papoose Club first started selling plants on vacant lots in Ketchum back in 1961.
Webb Garden Centers has been partnering with the Papoose Club for many years now. Webb graciously donates a portion of their sales during the event to the Club.
Initially volunteers trucked plants up from afar, but with the growing popularity of the event, Papoose Club began to collaborate with local gardening businesses.
Next event: Saturday, June 2025
The cross-country event is open to youth aged 3-13 who may race in skate or classic disciplines. This free community event put on by Papoose Club volunteers in partnership with the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation’s Nordic ski program and the Blaine County Recreation District.
Next event: Saturday, February 15, 2025

Pancake Breakfast​
​Papoose Pancake Breakfast at Wagon Days has been a community tradition since 1977. It is held on the Saturday and Sunday mornings of Labor Day weekend at the Ketchum Town Square.
Serving an a hearty country breakfast of pancakes, sausages, and eggs, all flipped, and served by club members and local volunteers. On Saturday, the breakfast is followed by the Big Hitch Parade, one of the largest non-motorized parades in the Pacific Northwest featuring museum quality wagons, buggies, and stagecoaches.
Next event: Saturday, August 30 and Sunday, August 31, 2025

Open House Social​
This is an annual event for anyone interested in joining the Papoose Club or just to learn more about this long time Valley tradition and see what we are all about.
From our social events to our meetings where we hear presentations and vote on where to disperse the funds raised all year through fundraisers and donations.
Appetizers and beverages are provided at no charge. Come see what we are about, we love to share in the fun!
Next event: Monday September 15th, 2025

Started by the original founders back in 1957, this fun ski and snow board event is for non-sanctioned racers ages 3 to 12. It is held at Sun Valley’s Dollar Mountain in the spring, usually in March. The event attracts up to 250 skiers who all earn commemorative pins.

Nordic Cup​
A more recent addition to the Papoose Club community events, the Nordic Cup has been held in the Wood River Valley since 2006. Depending on snow conditions the event is held either in Quigley Canyon in Hailey or Sun Valley Nordic center.