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What funds are available?

The money raised through Papoose Club events and fundraisers is donated back to the community – specifically to support cultural, social, educational and athletic activities for the children of Blaine County.

How does it work?

Each month at its membership meetings, the Club will consider requests from various organizations that are in need of financial support.

Here are the steps to be considered:

  1. Organization fills out and submits a request.

  2. Club considers request; organization is put on meeting agenda

  3. Organization makes brief presentation at meeting

  4. Club informs organization whether request has been granted


The mission of Papoose Club is to promote and assist cultural, social, educational and athletic activities for the children of the Wood River Valley, and to raise money to further these purposes. The Club may also donate money to other causes that satisfy the goals of its mission.

General guidelines:

  • Our most common grant amount is $2,000.

  • Funds must directly benefit youth of the Blaine County.
  • Requests that benefit a larger number of children are favored over those that benefit only a few.

  • Funds can be used for direct program expenses, scholarships or events.

  • Funds cannot be used for administrative or operating costs (i.e. salaries, insurance, or day-to-day expenses).

  • Please only submit complete requests, and include all the required information.

  • We ask that if you are awarded funds, you will volunteer at one of our events (ex. Pancake Breakfast at Wagons Days, or baking cookies for the Holiday Bazaar).

Thank you for submitting the grant request!

By submitting this form,

you agree that Papoose Club has permission to add you to our "Friends of Papoose" e-Mail list.



After you submit your request:
  • Requests are added to the agenda in the order they are received; please submit your request well before funds are needed. 

  • Please email 1-3 images of your group or organization with your written permission for the Papoose Club to use these images in the promotion of the Papoose Club.

  • After you submit the form, if you do not receive a reply within one week, please contact us to confirm that the form was received. 

  • If you have questions about Papoose Club’s grant request process, please feel free to contact us.


Apartado Postal 35
Hailey, ID 83333


Número de identificación fiscal: 23-7266109

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