Congratulations to Kaz Thea, our 2022 Member of the Year!

Kaz is a lifetime member who has given many years of service. She has done an incredible job to grow the Holiday Bazaar into the amazing event it is. She was integral in the Nordic Cup for years. She steps up often and chimes in regularly, and she is an advocate for the club. She embodies the spirit of Papoose Club.
2022 Member of the Year Nominees

Alexis Lindberg: Alexis is a lifetime member who has long been key to making big events work. She was integral to the Holiday Bazaar as chair for 3 years and raffle in 2021. She co-chaired the Pancake Breakfast in 2022. She has served as Treasurer for multiple years. Alexis was named Member of the Year in 2016. And she is also our “go to” for all things accounting. She is a wealth of knowledge and a great all-around member.

Claudia Klokke: Honored as Member of the Year in 2021. Claudia has brought in many new members. She is a go getter who is very communicative about events and meetings. She also steps up to help make sure people have what they need for events. She piloted KinderCup the time before last and she has created and taken on the role of the Sponsorship Chair. She also instigated this sushi party!

Lucie Novakova: Lucie has been a valuable volunteer and member since joining the club in 2016. She has taken shifts at many events, co-chaired the Kindercup last year, and most recently is the Secretary. She has done an excellent job at this position keeping the communication flowing throughout the year. Lucie will be Secretary again this year. Lucie shows her passion and dedication working hard to support the club.

Sharla Smith: Sharla is always active in discussions during meetings and bringing up good ideas to improve our club. She did an amazing job chairing the Nordic Cup the last two years. Sharla also stepped in to chair the Cookie Table last year. Since joining in 2021, her commitment to our organization is exceptional. She is very welcoming to new members and helps other chairs with their events cheerfully and willingly.