Thanks to the funds given to the Spanish Dual Immersion group at Wood River Middle School, 15 students traveled to Spain in March. One of the highlights was that they got the chance to ask questions of King Felipe VI of Spain recently during an hour-long audience at the Zarzuela Palace, a 17th century hunting lodge on the outskirts of Madrid. And they had to do it all in Spanish.
The students presented the king with a book containing photos of Sun Valley, along with an invitation to visit. And they asked him what it’s like to be head of Spain, what he would have liked to have done if he were not a king, what kind of music he listens to and what sport he plays.
“He gave us advice on how to live life to be a better person. He told us how his life is kind of hard, as he can’t travel wherever he wants due to the need for security. He told us he competed in sailing in the Summer Olympics during the 1980s. And he said he would like to come to Hailey—he likes to ski and he would like to try snowboarding,” said Juan Reyes